Join Joel Rosenberg as he shares a few personal updates, speaks about how he sees the Lord moving among the people of the Land, and shares how you can be praying for the people of Israel.
The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg gives us some creative ideas to put into practice.
Thank you for your prayer and support for the work the Lord is doing through The Joshua Fund in 2015. Because of you we are blessing Israel and the surrounding nations in the name of Jesus Christ.
Joel C. Rosenberg reflects on a recent journey to Auschwitz and the countless lives lost.
Joel C. Rosenberg reports on the geopolitical climate facing Israel and the epicenter today.
Joel C. Rosenberg Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund joins Janet Parshall to discuss the current state of Israel’s economy and how it is directly affecting local individuals and families.
Joel C. Rosenberg Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund joins Janet Parshall to discuss some of the latest news from Israel and the Middle East considered in light of the biblical perspective from the Old Testament book of Joel.
On the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, the Israel Tour participants explored the ruins of Caesarea Maritima and The Joshua Fund’s warehouse, where food and other necessities are stored until they are distributed to people in need.
The Joshua Fund Israel tour participated in a "Day of Service" while on tour. Here is an overview from Joel as well as impressions from several tour participants.
Joel talks about The Joshua Fund Israel tour as they visit Capernaum and the Sea of Galilee.
Joel talks about where The Joshua Fund Israel tour travelled to and experienced on the first day of touring outside of Jerusalem.
Janet Parshall interviews Joel C. Rosenberg, Anne Graham Lotz, Ray Bentley, and Skip Heitzig live from Jerusalem on the topic of the Old Testament Book of Joel, and why this small Old Testament book is so relevant for us today.